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Free 45-minute digital marketing consultation

Social Growth is an award-winning digital marketing agency that helps companies grow faster.

Book a free digital marketing consultation with our senior strategists, and discover how you can generate more sales and leads through smarter marketing.

You’re just 45 minutes away from faster growth

Held back by slow leads? Stuck in a sales rut? Social Growth  is Africa’s fastest-growing ROI-focused marketing agency, here to help you overcome growth hurdles and overtake your competitors.

Sign up for a free 45-minute marketing consultation and our senior strategists will:

  • Discuss your current marketing initiatives and goals, what’s worked well so far and what hasn’t
  • Look at potential opportunities for growth via new marketing channels, or by optimising your existing ones
  • Gain a competitive advantage over your competitors with our expert guidance
    Recommended next steps to help you generate leads and sales

If there’s opportunity for Social Growth to support you and you’d like us to explore marketing strategies with you further, a free follow-up technical call can be arranged with our specialists to discuss in more detail which marketing channels and approaches would work best for you.

Speak with a GROWTH strategist about your marketing goals

Book a free digital marketing consultation

Schedule a Consultation

What to expect from your free consultation

During your free marketing consultation, you’ll speak with one of our most senior Growth manager about your company’s pain points, goals and ambitions.

We’ll talk about your company’s growth goals, how marketing’s been going to date, who your audiences and competitors are, and what you most want to achieve with your marketing, so that we can recommend the right channels and approaches for you.

Of course, we’d love nothing more than to partner with you on improving your marketing performance, but whether you choose to work with Social Growth after your initial consultation is completely up to you; we’ll be excited to get started if you want us to!

Our GROWTH Marketing Consultancy Process:

Defining the right strategy for your success

We never rush into recommending services for a new client. Our tried and tested consultancy process ensures that our Growth managers get to know you, your services and your sector, digging deep into the data and insights before finally recommending a joined-up strategy for your success.

It’s key that you have direct access to our senior strategists during the discovery phase, so we can ensure that irrespective of whether you want us to optimise a specific channel, manage your entire digital marketing effort or provide ad hoc consultancy, we’re confident that we can definitely meet your needs prior to engaging. 

Social Growth approach to marketing consultancy is unlike that of any other agency. It sets our partnership up for success and ensures you’re happy with the results.

Free Initial Consultation

We discuss your goals, ambitions and pain points, getting to the heart of your marketing needs.


Technical Call

Your initial consultant brings Growth experts from aligned marketing areas to a deep dive discovery call, for further insights.


Data Gathering

We dig into your data, assessing insights and analytics to identify areas of improvement and growth.


Marketing Strategy Setting

We set a bespoke marketing strategy based on your unique requirements and objectives.